Friday, February 11, 2011

Budget has been decreased because projected revenues are insufficient to fund the adopted budget.

For the last two year budget cycle the Tax Revenue projections used to build the budget were way off.   It was the perfect storm for schools.  Their ability to support the general fund was taken away with Property Tax reform.  Schools were now relying on sales tax and income tax receipts from the state. The worst economic recession in 50 years hit the state and nation and revenue was no where close to the projections.   This meant the state had to come back to the schools and let them know they would be receiving a cut in funding.  
Having learned the lessons of the past, this year's budget orders and levy certifications were returned from the DLGF/State of Indiana  including the words, "Budget has been decreased because projected revenues are insufficient to fund the adopted budget."  Budgets are being cut by anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars to multiple millions of dollars.  This means the state has very little faith the economy will grow or expand and has very grim tax revenue projections.  What does this mean for schools?  Another round of cuts, eliminations, and reductions are in schools' future.   This is the reality of the current economy. Who will pursue a referendum?  Who will continue to cut programs and services?  School board are stuck with the tough decisions of where further cuts must come from.   This leads to confusion for teachers, parents, and classified staff who thought the worst was behind them.   Next Blog entry will examine possible cost savings presented by pending legislation.   Education legislation is making its way through the Indiana General Assembly.  In a week or two we should have more of an idea about which bills will make it through. 

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