Sunday, January 9, 2011

Competition for the Virtual Charter ADM

The last blog entry focused on reflective ideas for current legislative agenda put forward by Dr. Bennett.  This week focuses on the second year of the Virtual Charter started by the 2009 Budget Law.  The DOE wants to see competition between school districts, how about competition for the virtual students?   The current law is focused serving the student populations who may be challenged to attend school.   I ask why not expand the virtual options?   The current funding formula for virtual students funds an ADM at 80% regular tuition support.  However this option is only available to Charter Schools.  

What do you think?  Should public schools be allowed to create virtual programs to compete for those possible virtual students?  For the State it is a win-win in that they are able to pay less for each student in a virtual program than a bricks and mortar school.  

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